Have you ever had a hard time picking a theme to a party because there are just many to choose from? Yeah me too I've been there. My husbands 40th birthday is this year and there are so many themes to go with; R.I.P to my 30's, over the hill, retirement is in reach and many more. However when I plan a party I do not like to go with the predictable I like to go with something out of the box that most people wouldn't think of. So what do I do I always try to find a theme that fits that person the best.
In doing this comes obstacles as party supplies may not be available and you'll have to get creative and think outside the box. This is where Pinterest and DIY comes into play and you got to roll up your sleeves and make it yourself. (Or you hire us and we can make it happen) Well this is how I came up with my husbands theme he loves Polo Ralph Lauren and he's known as Polo so what better theme then 4 decades of Polo.
How am I going to make this party come to life? How do I get my location, my party supplies and make this all come together? Location is always hard because you want to make sure you have enough space but it doesn't kill you budget. What about party supplies how do I find anything close to a clothing brand party? This is a good one so I am going to start with getting custom Polo bears printed at 4ft tall and I am going to transfer the print outs onto sanded plywood and make a stand. These cut outs will have pictures of my husband through the different decades. These will be placed throughout the venue and I would probably say well have about 8 total maybe 10 depending on how they fit the space.
The next thing I look at is how to keep tying the theme and my husband together because we the theme and the person to stand out. So now a cool way to do this is to take older pictures and newer pictures and get frames (love going to the dollar store for this) and using that as decorations. Especially in this case because he always wears Polo that I am going to be able to showcase in the pictures him in his Polo cloths! (I love this hack as it's simple and easy and it always gives a conversation piece to the party as people talk about the past and brings up great memories)
Well until next time party people! Because trust me we haven't even scratched the surface of this party yet!